September 10, 2015

And Then There Was 6!

 We've added a few more things to our farm!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 sheep to be exact!!!! 4 ewes, 1 ram, and one ram lamb that we're going to make a wether. They are Shetlands so I'm excited for this coming spring when I can shear them and spin their beautiful fleece!

Left to Right: Little Beba (short for Bee Balm), Cocoa, Canna (short for Cannabis), Clover, Posie, and Thistle

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

May 18, 2015

Homesteading the Hard Way

So we're learning that homesteading isn't always daisies and roses! Our new dog that we had gotten got into the chicken coop and chased 7 of them to death. She is no longer living with us =)

Then Jude (Our Pit-Bull) got to another 3 so we were down to 6 chickens... Mom and Dad graciously gave us 2 laying hens and 2 more little chicks. Mom said she was sick of giving us eggs so they decided to give us a few layers. So we have added back to our flock 2 laying Rhode Island Reds and 2 little Barred Rocks.

Jude is now being put on a rope every time she goes outside... I'm planning on letting the chickens free range as much as possible.

On a cheerier note... We've also added 2 Angora Rabbits to our little homestead! I hope to get pictures of them up soon =) One chocolate buck, named Scarf, and one Agouti Doe, named Slippers. They are 12 weeks old but she won't be ready to breed until she's 9 months old. So not til the end of the year. I'm excited to have rabbits again. I missed having them so when we were at Shepherds Harvest Festival yesterday and I saw these... They were the right price for hubby so he said we could get them. I only wanted one but he said for that price we should get two. They are 75% German Angora with a little French and English mixed in.

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

April 28, 2015



I'm approximately 6 weeks along.

 Right now Baby looks like a lizard! LOL But Baby is the size of a sweet pea.

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

April 27, 2015

They're Home

Our chickens are home! And are quite happy in their new home. I can't wait for them to start laying this fall.

 We have 6 Rhode Island Reds, 5 Barred Rocks, and 5 Buff Orpingtons

I decided to leave them in the coop for a week to get them accustomed to the new coop. So they'll know that that is home. Then I hope to let them out into an inclosed area. If Brian can find time to put the t-posts in and get the fencing up. I'll let them explore that area for another week. This will also let the dogs get use to them without chasing them all over the yard. Then I hope to let them free range. I'm praying hard the dogs don't chase them!

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

April 17, 2015

Chicken Coop Almost Done

Brian has the chicken coop just about done! All we need are the roosts but we have a few months to get those in before they even start to use them. Now for the word from my Mom that the chicks are ready and to pick up a hay bale from them too =) They now have a home!

I LOVE that I can get into the nest boxes from the outside!!!!!

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

April 5, 2015

First Addition!

The first addition we're going to be adding to our farm is chickens! My Mom has graciously offered to brood my little ones in with hers until they can come to my house. I ordered 15 chicks but they sent an extra so I'll end up having 16 chickens. Straight run - Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks.

The goal is to keep a rooster and have the Buff's hatch out more next spring. They are terrific mothers and it's easier to have the mama's watch out and keep the little ones warm.

Brian has been working hard to get the coop ready for them. I can't wait until that is finished so I can share pictures with you!

© 2015 Herbal FarmGirl ~ All rights reserved.

March 6, 2015


Hello Friends,

I'm a newly married wife with lots of dreams and plans to make with my husband! Some of our dreams include: chickens, a HUGE garden, sheep, producing 90% of our food, making our own clothes, raising any children that God blesses us with, and being as self sufficient as possible.

I'm so happy to be walking this journey with my best friend, Brian, on our 4 acres that God has blessed us with in Minnesota.

Hope to get to know all of you as much as I know my "real" friends :-)
